Physician Assistant

Physician Assistant:  Cost of Attendance 22-23


1PA ` 1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester 4th Semester 5th Semester
Off-Campus 6 Hours 17 Hours 12 hours 5 hours 7 Hours
In-State ($681 per credit hour) 1 PA Summer B Fall Semester Spring Semester 1 PA Summer A 2 PA Summer B
Tuition/Fees 4,086 11,577 8,172 3,405 4,767
Books & Supplies 1,146 578 408 204 204
Food 810 2,300 2,300 810 810
Transportation 760 560 560 380 380
Clothing Maintenance 771 1,054 1,054 150 150
Personal 65 265 265 65 65
Room 1,355 5,065 5,065 818 817
Computer/Cell Phone 215 760 760 180 180
Total Cost (per term) 9,208 22,159 18,584 6,012 7,373
Out of State Students
Out of State Tuition ($1515 per credit Hour) 9,090 25,755 18,180 7,575 10,605
Total Cost (per term) 14,212 36,337 28,592 10,182 13,211


2PA 6th Semester 7th Semester 8th Semester
Off-Campus 13 Hours 13 Hours 7 Hours
In-State ($681 per credit hour) Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer A
Tuition/Fees 8,853 8,853 4,767
Books & Supplies 442 442 238
Food 2,300 2,300 810
Transportation 1,905 1,905 760
Clothing Maintenance 515 515 155
Personal 265 265 65
Room 5,065 5,065 1,500
Computer/Cell Phone 760 760 215
Total Cost (per term) 20,105 20,105 8,510
Out of State Students
Out of State Tuition ($1515 per credit Hour) 19,695 19,695 10,605
Total Cost (per term) 30,947 30,947 14,348


Cost of Attendance: Subject to Change

Tuition Costs totals are based on per credit hour